Friday, March 27, 2009

Let the Affluent share with the Needy

Pakistan Bait-ul-Mal (PBM), an autonomous body set up through 1991 Act works under the umbrella of Ministry of Social Welfare and Special Education . PBM is significantly contributing toward poverty alleviation through its various poorest of the poor focused services and providing assistance to destitute, widow, orphan, invalid, infirm & other needy persons, as per eligibly criteria approved by Bait-ul-Mal Board.

Vocational /Dastkari Schools (VDSs) and Diversified Vocational /Dastkari Schools (DVDSs):

Vocational Dastkari Schools have been established throughout the country including Azad Kashmir & Northern Areas since 1995. These schools are providing free training to widows, orphans & poor girls in different skills i.e. Drafting, Cutting, Sewing, Knitting, Hand & Machine Embroidery . PBM planed to have at-least one Vocational Dastkari School in each district. Current strength of these schools is 141 (Punjab - 49, Sindh- 29, NWFP + FATA- 32, Balochistan -18 & ICT/AJK/ N. Areas -13). Low-income group of women/girls are trained in two shifts of 60 trainees , bi-annually.

Presently 8358 trainees are benefiting from training in these schools ,whereas 37200 trainees have been passed out. Rs .925(m) are allocated yearly for one school. 14 (Punjab - 6, Sindh- 3, NWFP + FATA- 1 Balochistan -2 & ICT/AJK/ N. Areas -2) have been diversified, where training is added in Computer ,use of Office Equipments like Fax ,Photocopiers, Printers, Interior Decoration, Beautician, Cooking, Fishing Tie & Dye and Glass Painting etc, according to the requirement of area. Rs. 3(m) have been allocated for such school. Local skills are also being imparted in these schools. Since inspection an amount of Rs. 288.2333 (m) has been utilized. 2: Objectives: Train low-income group of women Focus on poor widows and orphan girls Training emphasis on income generating activities